Thursday, December 15, 2011

Yesterday was so full I am writing it today

As the number of truck outside of PM office suggest yesterday was a very busy day! Apologies for the delay on the post.

It was another tech dispersal day!  Eugenio and Fredy came in to the office and I refreshed their memories on how to add aldes, instalaciones, cuentas and lastly contacts.  We got to work on Novembers legacy data for a few hours and then sent the two ejectores home to continue practicing on their new computers.

Esther meanwhile did war with digital globe, configuring the computers for GPS mapping capabilities.

After lunch Ramses, Ricardo, Eugenio, and I headed out to a town nearby for some household visits. We saw lots of stoves and heard some really great stories about how much people loved them.

Eugenio in the home of a traditional fogon stove.

Ramses and Ricardo

A 92 year old man we met! Can't even fathom the changes he has seen in his life.

And then that evening the Proyecto Mirador reunion!  There were speeches...

and more speeches... Gifts...

and more gifts...



drawings for winners...

and then winners!

To round off the night we even got to see Elder and his band play!  What a second job!

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